6 Examples Of How Humanity Is Regressing Not Evolving (By Star Trek Standards)

4. Climate Change Skeptics

Climate Change

In a previous article about the current state of Australian politics (which you can read by clicking here) I state that my belief is that anyone who does not believe in global warming are not only the most ignorant and stupid of all (and should be treated as such), but in actual fact should be tried for crimes against humanity. As these people not only hold back the evolutionary process but seemingly don't give a rats arse as to how their grandchildren will be forced to live in the coming days.

That alone proves that they are the definition of "evil" from any religious based ideology. Whether you believe it is man made or a natural phenomenon, there is absolutely NO doubt that it is happening. And people who refuse to believe it actually exists are the reason why the Apes have every right to conquer us. Here, let me give you a simple example that even a chimpanzee would understand.

I lived almost my whole life without hearing of a "tornado" in Australia. Last year we had about five of them. FIVE OF THEM. Coupled with a 15 year drought, consistent and consecutively record high temperatures (the past September was our hottest ever recorded for that month) and right there is all the proof you need for anyone who knows how to use their brain. Although don't mention it to our illustrious leader.

And how about the sudden emergence of "super storms." These monstrosities of nature that were once considered quite rare, now are happening all the time. I once heard a quote from someone (whom I could not identify upon research, if anyone knows,please leave a comment in the section below) which I believe sums it up for anyone that uses the argument that science is not conclusive when it comes to global warming.

If nine out of ten doctors told you that you were dying, would you base your treatment on the rhetoric of the one that said you weren't (paraphrased)? And if that doesn't sway your mind, isn't it common sense to take steps and be prepared JUST IN CASE those 9 out of 10 scientists are right?

I believe Dr Suzuki, an acclaimed scientist and award winning author has said it best when describing the utter stupidity that is behind the recent actions of our current Christian fundamentalist leader of out nation and non believer of all things scientific, Tony Abbott. Whose first act as leader was to abolish the Climate Commission and dismantle the Climate Change Authority

"What the hell kind of government is it that comes into office and the first symbolic act is to shut down a source of information? The minute you shut down solid scientific information then you can run it on your ideology, You can run it on the Bible, you can run it on the Quran."

It's not rocket science people.

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Passions in life: Movies, Music and Wrestling....My childhood was spent growing up in the "Outback" of Australia (I'm a little bit country) and my adulthood resided within the city limits (I'm a little bit rock and roll), so you could say that I am the best (or worst) of both worlds. A 6 foot 7 ex wannabe pro wrestler (whose career was cut short due to a busted back, NOT caused by wrestling) & muso who has a precocious cat & a habit of doing the wrong thing but for the right reasons. The story of my life???? All demos, no albums ;)