6 Forgotten Gems Of The Internet

5. The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny

If ever there was a loving tribute to film and television characters, particularly of the sci-fi and very nerdy nature, then it's The Ultimate Showdown Of Ultimate Destiny. If you have somehow managed to not see this flash animated song, I'm genuinely impressed, as it's been viewed over twelve MILLION times since being unleashed on us all in 2005. The song was performed by Lemon Demon and animated by Shawn Vulliez, and tells the tale of a gigantic battle across an entire cityscape, initially between Godzilla and Batman, before seemingly hundreds of pop culture characters join in the melee. Who makes an appearance, I hear you ask? Well...take a breath... Godzilla, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Shaquille O'Neal, Aaron Carter, Abraham Lincoln, Optimus Prime, Jackie Chan, Indiana Jones, Care Bear, Gandalf The Grey, Gandalf The White, The Black Knight from Monty Python and Holy Grail, Benito Mussolini, Blue Meanie, Cowboy Curtis, Jambi The Genie, RoboCop, Terminator, Captain Kirk, Darth Vader, Lo Pan, the Power Rangers, Superman, Bill and Ted, Spock, The Rock, Doctor Octopus, Hulk Hogan and Mr Rogers. Get all that? Because that's not all, as there's also unmentioned cameos from a few more of your favourites, ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog fighting Mario, to Samuel L. Jackson just chilling out passing the screen. It really is a masterpiece of nerdish devotion, and is delightfully silly. Even more than that though, it's actually a rather catchy song too, so I sort of apologise a little for causing what's playing in your head for days, should you now view it. You can still find it on YouTube, but for sheer nostalgia purposes, why not check it out where it all originated from at Newgrounds.
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English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.