6 Reasons To Believe We Are Actually Living In A Computer Simulation

2. No Contact With Alien Life Forms

The Sims 4 house

While some may refute the statement, officially, our species has yet to encounter intelligent alien life forms. Given the fact that humans have been exploring space for years now and that there's said to be countless planets in the cosmos, this seems a bit odd.

In a YouTube video that was released last December, AWLIAS ('Are We Living In A Simulation?') cited the lack of contact with extraterrestrials as evidence to support the simulation hypothesis.

The clip suggests that other intelligent beings may have already been able to either escape the simulation we are currently in or figured out a way to move on to another one. This is why we haven't run into any aliens recently. Essentially, we humans are too dumb to figure a way out of here.

The idea of computerized beings that are able to escape a simulation certainly seems strange. After all, it's hard to imagine Super Mario jumping out of his kart and into our living room. Of course, if the video is to be believed, we are the only so-called intelligent life forms still stuck in this obsolete universe ⁠— so maybe Mario will figure it out before we do.

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From 1999-2003 Jacques performed on the Florida independent pro wrestling circuit. He also has an amateur wrestling background and currently holds a certification in Krav Maga. Jacques graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2003, with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. He currently resides in Chicago, Illinois. Follow him on twitter @goodeals79.