7 Craziest Illuminati Theories
6. The Cast Of Boy Meets World Were Their Puppets

Remember Boy Meets World? It was the coming-of-age sitcom following the life of Cory Matthews (played by Ben Savage), from his school days right up to his marriage. Sure, you remember it. Bet you didn’t know it was actually all an Illuminati front and the poor actors were just puppets in their world-conquering charade.
There is a whole Tumblr page dedicated to this theory, but sadly they haven’t posted an update in over a year because they were forced into hiding: “We can no longer write anymore because the police constantly checks this website every day. The police even searches our houses randomly. If the police finds out that we’ve updated this site, we’ll be sent to jail for a long time.”
Scary stuff. Anyway, the basic premise of their theory is that if you pause Boy Meets World - and its spinoff Girl Meets World, currently airing on Disney Channel - at the right moments, there are loads of triangles, devil signs and other evil symbolism at play.
The stars have been so utterly brainwashed that they even continue their unwitting Illuminati roles outside of the show.
For example, they did an interview on Entertainment Weekly in 2013 and at one point Danielle Fishel (who played Topanga) did what can best be described as a “ta-dah!” hand-gesture. This may seem innocent enough, but actually, Fishel was secretly doing a well-known Illuminati pose. It symbolises Baphomet, who the Dictionary of Mysticism says is “the Sabbatic goat, in whose form Satan was said to be worshipped at the Witches’ Sabbath.”
If you thought your childhood TV viewing was pretty innocent, this news will come as a crushing blow to you. We’re sorry to say that the blows don’t stop here either, because another one of your TV faves was also an Illuminati conspiracy…