7 Craziest Illuminati Theories

5. They Brainwashed Zack In Saved By The Bell

illuminati symbol
NBC Universal Television

Yeah, it’s not just Boy Meets World that was actually a front for the New World Order. Saved By The Bell, that show we all watched religiously in the summer holidays despite it actually being a bit rubbish, was also truly evil at heart.

The basic argument is that it was unrealistic, a terrible crime for a light-hearted comic programme. But it has a much deeper truth if you look hard enough - apparently it was all a figment of Zack Morris’ imagination. The theme tune at the start shows us his real world, but the rest of the show is actually all in his head, where he escapes the day-to-day mundanities of school life.

Now this is pretty deep. It reminds us of the theory that Will Smith actually died in that fight on a Philadelphia playground and the rest of the show is him in heaven (sorry if we just put another nail in your childhood’s coffin there) but that’s another story.

Back in Zack and co’s imaginary world, you can see more signs of the Illuminati’s evil handiwork. It was made by a company linked to Disney, who are one of the most important cogs in the chain, as we’ll see later. Like Boy Meets World, it had lots of imagery that could only be seen if you paused the show at the right moment – Kelly Kapowski clearly making a devil fingers gesture, for example.

But one of the most damning pieces of evidence is that in its original incarnation, Good Morning, Miss Bliss, the school was called JFK High. As everyone knows, John F. Kennedy was either murdered by the Illuminati or was one of their high priests, depending on who you ask, so the original name of Bayside High was clearly deemed too obvious by the powers that be.

As an aside, some of the anti-Illuminati also believe that Mark-Paul Gosselaar, who played Zack Morris, is actually the same person as Paul Walker, who died in 2013. Obviously they killed Walker too, presumably because no order that truly controls the world can in all good conscience allow the Fast And Furious film franchise to continue.

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A man who writes things.