7 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Working At Amazon

3. Toilet Breaks Are Timed, Too

Amazon 7 Being timed whilst you're actively working is one thing, but being timed whilst you're trying to (ahem) "relieve" yourself is a different ballpark all together. But toilet breaks aren't considered sacred at Amazon, apparently, given that these periods are still supposedly monitored and timed using the same GPS system we mentioned previously. If you're one of the "zero-hour" employees working at Amazon, your toilet time is... well, under scrutiny. This doesn't make a lot of sense when you consider that going to the toilet is something of a personal matter, and not everyone is the same in the timing department. Are the warehouse employees supposed to ensure that they're defecating in perfect formation? How do you work out what the "right amount of time" is when it comes to something like this? We're not suggesting Amazon let people spend hours and hours in the toilet, of course, but there's something inherently creepy about being tagged whilst you're doing your business.
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