8 Biggest WTF Stories To Come Out Of Florida
5. Florida Man Assaults Local Wendy's With Alligator
When someone is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with no intent to kill, it can mean a whole host of things. The weapon could be anything from, a knife, a gun or even a chainsaw as we've already seen on this list. However, when 24-year old, Joshua James, decided he would use a deadly weapon in this situation, he did so with in the most Florida way possible.
James drove up to a local Wendy's restaurant in the early hours of the night to seemingly purchase a drink. However. when the employee tried to give him his drink, James threw a three-and-a-half foot alligator through the drive-thru window.
Luckily no-one was hurt during the situation, but James was eventually snapped up by the police after two years on the run and given the charge above..James has never explained why he did. However, we do hope he one day explains what his thought process was because it's simply too big of a mystery to not know.