8 Biggest WTF Stories To Come Out Of Florida

3. Florida Man Tortured By Alanis Morrisette Songs By Boyfriend, Gets Revenge In The Worst Way

Being in a relationship with someone is full of peaks and valleys. Sometimes you love them with every atom in your body, other times they can annoy you to the point of rage. It all comes as part of the parcel and how people handle those situations determines how long the relationship will last.

Annoyed with his boyfriend insistent on binging Alannis Morisette's back catalogue of music, Allen Casey decided to take matters into his own hands and put definitive end to the situation. However, instead of doing the logical thing and asking his boyfriend to stop the music or, at worst, plugging out whatever was playing it, Casey went one step further.

The then 24-year old grabbed a plate and smashed it into his boyfriend's face and then proceeded to assault him further. When the police asked him why, his response was, "That’s all that (expletive) listens to,” That's one way to stop the music.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.