8 Biggest WTF Stories To Come Out Of Florida

2. Florida Man Threatens Neighbours With Kindness

"Kill them with kindness!" is the old saying which preaches being nice to people who aren't nice to you. It's a great philosophy to have and one that should be taken to heart by a lot of people in the world. However, it seems like this one like Florida native took the saying to the next level.

When the neighbours of Bryan Stewart went over to his home to find out why there was yelling and banging coming from his house all day, an enraged Stewart opened the door and threatened to kill them with kindness. However, Stewart wasn't referring to the saying - he was literally referring to his machete, which had "Kindness" written on the side of it.

After taking a swipe at one of his neighbour's with the weapon and cutting their hand, the police were quickly called and Stewart was arrested. According to reports, the machete wielder was drunk when they arrived and had to be tased so he could be put inside of the police car. He was then charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon without the intent to kill and aggravated battery. Clearly he needs to work on this whole kindness thing a little more.

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Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.