8 Disgusting Things Living On Your Body Right Now

1. Virome: Don't Forget The Viruses

Virus bacteria microbe

We all know about our microbiome, made up of our resident bacteria, but humans also have a lesser known virome, made up of viruses. Some even think that it could be more diverse that our bacterial collections.

Now that we're all just coming round to the idea of "good" bacteria, we'll need to get used to the notion of friendly viruses too, as many of them are asymptomatic and just along for the ride. That said, there are a couple of controversial studies that link certain viruses with obesity, although it should be noted that the idea of obesity as an infectious disease is very much fringe science.

Just like with the bacteria that live both on and in our bodies, the viruses that have hitched a ride don't do us any harm whilst our immune systems are hard at work. However, if the immune system goes down, they could begin to run rampant. This could be part of the reason why once you come down with one illness, you seem to come down with them all.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.