8 Horribly Depressing Scientific Discoveries

2. A Mission To Mars Could Cause Brain Damage

Mars Attacks
Warner Bros.

Mars is really kicking off at the moment and we're all very excited. We've found water, we might find life, and everyone and their mum is suddenly coming out with a plan to put humans on Mars in the next few years.

Not so fast, however, as we could hit a fatal snag before ever reaching the red planet, and it's definitely not going away any time soon: Radiation.

Beyond the Earth's protective magnetosphere, space is streaming with energetic charged particles and experts think that the extended flight time of a Mars mission through these particles could do terrible damage to not just the body, but the brain. According to a new study, long term exposure could out Mars astronauts at risk of cognitive impairment in memory, multitasking, and decision-making skills, as well as increased depression and anxiety. Not ideal on a highly dangerous interplanetary mission.

This radiation is thought to originate from ancient supernovas. It was there long before humans and will be there long after we're gone, so if we don't find a way to block it effectively, we might have to stay huddled beneath our magnetosphere forever.

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