8 London Tourist Attractions That Make Absolutely No Sense

8. The Trocadero

The Trocadero isn't really a functioning "attraction" these days... it's more of an empty shell haunted by the ghosts of all the smiling children who visited in its prime. Which was a while ago. But you can still sort of meander your way through its great, rotten core to relive the glory days, when this thing was a thriving metropolis of entertainment, housing the likes of SegaWorld and its very own IMAX (sponsored by Pepsi, don't you know?). As a building, the Trocadero is insanely confusing. You don't get inside anymore without accidently stumbling upon the entrance, which consists of a non-functioning escalator that sits depressingly next to one of those stalls that sells cheap theatre tickets. The inside still houses a cinema, but the rest of the Trocadero - the arcade, for example - is sealed off inside an MDF tomb, with renegade puddles and loose cables running all over the place. Basically, it sits in London's West End looking like a sad, abandoned child, hoping - and praying - for somebody to pull the trigger and put it out of its misery.
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.