8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

5. Removing Ourselves From The Food Chain

Invented Dogs

You remember the food web diagrams in primary school? The rabbit eats the grass, the hawk eats the rabbit and we're all connected in the great circle of life.

Well not quite. You never really see humans on those diagrams do you? Not even as the apex predators. This is because we now see nature as something that we can exist outside of and we're no longer subject to the laws and pressures of a carefully balanced ecosystem.

When we got tired of the hunter-gathering game some 11,500 years ago, we thought it would be a much better idea to simply harness and control the laws of nature for ourselves, and so, we invented agriculture.

Not enough edible plants to support the population? That's okay, we'll just clear this large swathe of forest and grow a whole bunch of them. You know, hunting bison is very dangerous, tiring and time-consuming, so why don't we just fence a load of them in and eat sirloin whenever we please? Then we'll have loads of spare time to make lots of babies and build great big civilisations.

Oh, and you see that wolf over there? I'm gonna bring it inside...

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.