8 Most Casually Badass Things The Human Race Has Ever Done

4. Inventing Dogs

Invented Dogs

Yeah, you know dogs? We made them. Out of wolves.

It is thought that humans domesticated dogs around the time we were still hunter-gatherers. There is a theory that suggests that this was for hunting purposes, but this also throws up a dichotomy: Dogs will help you catch more food, but you will then also have to feed the dog.

This leads us on to the theory that humans decided to bring deadly carnivores into their homes for the sheer fun of it.

It is thought that we would have usually taken wolf pups from the wild at a very early age (probably if they had been orphaned, getting between a fully grown wolf and her pups isn't much fun) and taming them. Some experts even reckon that humans would breastfeed wolf pups alongside their human children.

Some studies have shown, however, that it is possible to tame a fully grown wolf ... provided you have a lot of patience and balls of reinforced steel. Given all the other mental stuff our ancestors got up to, this definitely sounds like the kind of thing they'd do.

The wolves with the most desirable characteristics, perhaps the particularly docile or beautiful ones, would be bred together and, over the generations, voila, you get dogs.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.