8 Superpowers That Would Actually Suck

4. Time Control

Harry Potter Prisoner Of Azkaban Hermione Time turner
Warner Bros.

Wouldn't it be amazing? Rather than hitting snooze in the mornings, you could just hit pause on time instead and finally get a proper night's sleep. Until you suffocate moments later because the air has essentially frozen solid around you. Okay, perhaps air, for some reason (like joy and a good narrative) gets a pass.

So you finally get up and decide to make some coffee, maybe play a bit of Assassin's Creed and generally do what you want before mooching off to work. Flipping the switch on the kettle, you realise that it doesn't work because electricity doesn't flow in this one infinitesimal moment of frozen time. It doesn't matter anyway because the water won't come out of the tap. Your phone, your car and your lights wont work. You've basically sent yourself back to the Middle Ages, but without anyone to even talk to.

On the plus side, it might be a good time to finally tackle that book you've been meaning to read. Oh no wait, you can't because the photons that deliver light to your retinas aren't moving. At least these drawbacks would stop you from halting the march of time too much, meaning that your ageing wouldn't run away with you too much.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.