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9 Acts Of Kindness From Total Strangers That Will Melt Your Heart

3. Shaving Your Head So Others Can Love Themselves Again

In 2015, it seems incredible that the world is still without a cure for cancer, and that there are thousands of people suffering from this vicious and unforgiving disease. The best that we can do is bake, run, walk, dance; anything we can think of to raise money for cancer research. However, in the mean time, you could always shave your head and donate your lovely head of hair for those who have lost theirs during chemotherapy. Hair loss is one of the common side effects of chemotherapy, leaving patients with no choice but to wear wigs if they feel uncomfortable. Whilst no one can imagine what it's like living with cancer, you can donate your hair to those who need the confidence and opportunity to love themselves and their body again. For many people, especially girls, their hair is a safety blanket and it can increase confidence. So are you brave enough to shave yours off to give it to someone who probably needs that confidence booster more than you? Amongst the thousands of people who have already done this, one little boy from Florida melted the hearts of people from across the world with his story. Eight year old Christian McPhilamy from Florida decided to grow his hair and then donate it to charity after watching an advert for pediatric cancer when he was just six. During his hair growing process he said that some people weren't very supportive, calling him a girl which made him feel 'not every good.' These taunts came from both children and adults.

"From his peers calling him a girl to even coaches and family friends telling him he should cut it or offering him money to. Even still, he has never once, strayed from his goal and always took the time to educate others on why he made the choice to grow his hair. I am one proud mommy as always." - Christian's mother.

Christian donated over 10 inches of hair in four ponytails to Children With Hair Loss. You go, Christian!
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