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9 Acts Of Kindness From Total Strangers That Will Melt Your Heart

2. The Free School Under The Bridge

Forget having a First Class Masters degree, just having a basic education is something that shouldn't be taken for granted. There are children all over the world who would do anything in order to have a secure place in a classroom, a home and a supportive network. Sadly, this isn't the case for some of the children in Delhi. Rajesh Kumar, a shopkeeper, was distressed to see how many children were living in squalor when the Metro lines were being constructed a few years ago. Children were playing in the construction site and when he asked the parents who were working at the site why they weren't in school, their response was simple. They couldn't afford it, there weren't any schools in the local vicinity and no one cared. This shocked Kumar who has since set up the Free School Under The bridge. Every morning before work, Kumar teaches the children who sit on the ground, without any resources and depend on the blackboard which was painted on the wall, and clothes donations that people send in. Others donate food which is an extra incentive for these children to turn up to school every day as meals are scarce for them. "It's most important to inspire these children to study and give them an opportunity of an education. I will be fortunate even if two out of 20 study further. I will feel satisfied that I contributed to their future generations." - Rajesh Kumar. The world needs more Rajesh Kumars - people who realise the importance of education. After all, the children are the future.
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