9 Huge Mistakes In The Harry Potter Books You Didn't Even Notice

8. Hagrid Randomly Rejects Sirius Black's Gift

All right, so this one is tiny, but it just goes to show how difficult it must be €“ even for authors and editors who end up reading and re-reading material hundreds of times before release €“ to keep track of every little detail in a book.

In the beginning of Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone, Hagrid says of his flying vehicle €œI'll be takin' Sirius his bike back€. Makes sense, right? Sirius lends Hagrid that bike so that he can get around quickly. However, in Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, the story from Sirius' side is subtly different. It's made clear that Sirius actually told Hagrid to keep the bike as he no longer needed it. So why on earth would Hagrid be eager to take his gift back to its owner?

If you're wondering whether or not this is or isn't a mistake, here's your answer: in later editions of the Philosopher's Stone Hagrid's line is now changed to €œI'd best get this bike away€. So yes, Rowling slipped up.

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