9 Huge Mistakes In The Harry Potter Books You Didn't Even Notice

2. The Triwizard Tournament Is A Sport No-One Can Enjoy

Despite being described as an incredibly popular spectator event (and drawing huge crowds of staff and pupils €“ in fact, basically the entire school), the Triwizard Tournament is not even vaguely fan friendly. What exactly does that mean? Well, out of the tournament's three main events, only one is actually visible to a crowd.

The battle to steal the dragon's egg is open air and sounds incredibly exciting €“ fair enough. The following event, however, takes place entirely beneath a lake, so spectators have nothing to watch. This is even worse during the third event, which takes place entirely in a massive, impenetrable maze, and goes on a for much, much longer time. Curiously, there is never any description of magic screens displaying each person's progress, and even in the movies this isn't depicted, so it's highly unlikely to be the case.

This is made even stranger by the fact that a whole season of Quidditch is cancelled for the facilitation of the tournament €“ at least that's something crowds can actually watch!

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Harry Potter
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.