9 Reasons PC Owners Are Jealous Of Macs

5. Higher Trade-In Value

pc mac

Following on from the previous point, the high cost of a Mac is balanced out by the fact that, if you do eventually decide to trade-in for a newer model, their trade-in value far exceeds that of practically any PC. In other words, it's easy to recoup some of that substantial initial financial investment.

There are several reasons for this. One is the aforementioned build quality. Where PCs generally lose their worth within a matter of a couple of years, companies that purchase second-hand Macs are well-versed in the fact that Apple products will continue to run at an impressive rate for a far longer time. This means that they are easy to re-sell.

There is also the ever-increasing popularity of Apple products generally. The public wants Apple gear, and second-hand dealers know this. It is far easier to sell a used four year old Macbook than, say, a two year old Lenovo.

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