9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

1. The Spontaneous Attender

For many the experience of going to the cinema is undertaken for the sake of exclusivity, or in other words putting up with the rabble and unpleasantries for the sake of seeing the latest release. I feel the need to include this as a separate entry, as whilst we€™ve already had the conversational Descriptive Neanderthals, this entry is for the groups of people who have nothing better to do than dive into a random film and continue their social interaction as if they were outside. It€™s either so stupidly obvious they aren€™t paying attention their new surroundings by way of a volume increase from the silence that proceeded it, or it€™s those groups of younger teenagers who genuinely just want to sit in a film and attempt to laugh or make ridiculous noises during the otherwise serious bits. It€™s times like these when you wish their really were cinema police, and that such a group could enforce a €˜one strike and you€™re out€™ policy. Whilst I€™m not calling for all the social interaction to be taken out of going to the cinema, I don€™t think such behaviour would be tolerated at other art installations around the lands, so why do we have to put up with it during a film? Anyway, that€™s our list for now, do you guys have any others you wish to throw in? Or perhaps you think I€™ve unfairly described the above? Please dive into the comments and let€™s share what we€™ve overcome all in the name of being a fan of modern cinema.
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