9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

2. The Underage Viewer

Four words that will produce a seething hatred from any who have had the displeasure of being around this entry: Baby in the cinema. I€™ll just put it out there, there is no need to ever take a baby to a regular screening of a film. None. Perhaps you couldn€™t find a babysitter and already had tickets to something you€™d been looking forward to for a few weeks. Well surprisingly, your child€™s comfort is more important. I very much doubt they want to be sat in a darkened room where a gigantic light source projects a monolithic din in their general direction, and every time they call out are lightly smothered and told to be quiet. That€™s not to mention the surrounding public, who are getting increasingly furious at the very prospect of having to spend their cinematic incarceration with a small volume-spiking time bomb. Leave the child in the care of someone who can take care of it, and if none other than yourself exists, then forgo the movie experience until such a possibility exists, any other scenario is just unpleasant for all involved.
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