9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

9. The Popcorn-Feasters

When you think about it, having a cheeky feast on a bucket of small air-filled kernels of corn whilst trying to take in the collective work of a group of talented individuals, is rather mental. You don€™t whip out a bag of pretzels and start munching away down your local art gallery do you? Or chomp on a bag of crisps throughout your average gig? No, because you€™re thoroughly engaged with what€™s in front of you, satiated by the mind-controlling toxicity of any well-produced piece of art. I ask you, what foodstuff is louder than popcorn? And unless you€™re chewing with the ferocity of a dying man, you€™re going to be crunching away like a mid-autumn morning. I must admit I€™m a muncher myself, much to the chagrin of those around me I€™m sure, but I always make a point of waiting for one of the louder moments before scooping up another mouthful. There€™s nothing worse than some character-revelation-ushering silence suddenly being ruined by the nearby noise of someone rummaging around in their bucket of desperation, their fingers scraping around looking for one of those €˜full pieces€™ of popcorn, instead of the shards we€™ve all been given that look like the aftermath of some horrible explosion down the local multiplex.
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