9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

4. The Amateur Romantics

Another one I€™m guilty of in-part is the faux-romanticism of taking a date to the cinema, however like I€™m sure many of you reading who have other halves, are not deliberately treating the cinema-going experience as an excuse to nosh each others faces off for the duration. Two main characters finally get together after two hours of struggling and overcoming their lives€™ hardships? Instantly reminding you of exactly why you€™re still with the person sitting next to you? Have a cheeky kiss, revel in the moment itself, it€™s a lovely time to be alive all round I'm sure. Do not however, treat the cinema as a glorified back seat of your car on prom night, turning the entire ordeal into a gropefest of the lowest order, instilling genuine disgust and awkwardness in the surrounding area, as all including those taking part, struggle to justify their place in such a thing. In the words of everyone who has ever watched anybody anywhere do anything resembling €˜making out€™; €œGet a room€.
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