9 Types Of Cinema-Goer We All Hate To Be Around

3. The Instant Critic

So one of the trailers has just finished ahead of the film, and you€™re sitting contemplating whether or not you€™ll be parting with your hard-earned to go and see it. Just as such an innocent thought passes through, The Instant Critic bellows out into the ether €œWell that looks crap!€. Just like that the film€™s image is forever tarnished by the languishings of the idiotic, as every time anyone asks you if you€™ve seen the trailer, or if you€™re thinking of going to see such a thing, the Critic€™s dullard tones will pervade your psyche. As with many social events, there are always a set of unwritten rules that we all adhere to, and even outside of that, a general life lesson is to keep the majority of your bad thoughts to yourself, yet this entry continues to exist in nearly every cinema up and down every country.
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