Best & Worst Kids Toys Of The 80s & 90s

Caveman LCD Game

Tomy CavemanWhat?: It can't have been easy being a Caveman. All you want to do is eat a nice Dinosaur egg for lunch and avoid being burned to death by the local volcano. Is it too much to ask? If you've ever wanted to experience that lifestyle first hand then there's no better way than in this classic handheld video game. Who?: Caveman was made by TOMY and first released in 1982. Radio Shack sold it under the Tandy brand name in the US for around $40 which was big money back in those days. Have a look at this quick demo. The guy playing it is an obvious idiot, missing out on loads of yummy eggs. Also, it appears the Caveman of memory was actually portrayed by Gordon the Gopher. See what you think: Amusement Factor: What could be more amusing than playing a side scrolling LCD game with bidirectional joystick, 2 directions and a fire button? NOTHING that's what. Caveman was a thrill a minute and although simple as Hell by today's standards had me pulling my hair out when I was about 6 or 7 years old. These day's it's Nintendo Wii, Xbox 360 and iPad's but when I was a kid it was all about games like this. And when I grew weary of it it was great fun to stick the live adapter ends onto my tongue. But that shouldn't be tried at home kids. Awesome Rating: Captain Caaaaaaaaaaaveman!
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.