Doctor Sleep: 5 Best References To The Shining

2. All The Old Familiar Ghosts

Shining 192pyxurz A key factor to both the success of the novel and the movie versions of the Shining were the menacing ghosts that terrified audiences to the edge of their seats. At the end of King's book the Overlook Hotel has burned to the ground. Dr. Sleep begins with Danny Torrance moving to Florida with his damaged mother Wendy to escape the horror that occurred to them on that Colorado mountain top. The only problem is that the ghosts have followed them and the worst of them all according to little Danny is the one who likes to appear to him the most; Mrs. Massey of room 217. Danny wakes up in the middle of the night needing to go to the bathroom (sound familiar?). He pauses at the door sensing exactly what is in store for him, but opens it anyways. Mrs. Massey is waiting, rotting body and a wraith's smile with outstretched arms. Danny shuts the door, waiting for her to go away. Instead he hears the tingling sound of dead fingernails being drawn across the wooden door. In the end Danny decides to pee in the sink and Wendy has to clean the dead flesh off the toilet and floor in the morning. That very same day she calls Dick Halloran for help.

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