Every Universal Orlando Halloween Horror Nights House 2018 - Reviewed


Poltergeist Halloween Horror Nights
What Culture

Although I was looking forward to Poltergeist, it was more because I was interested in how they would bring it to life, rather than through any love of the movie.

I don't think I could have anticipated what would be waiting for me as I walked into the soundstage and directly into the Freeling's dug up pool, the house looming above me. Steven's famous words "you left the bodies and only moved the headstones, you only moved the headstones!" was echoing all around me.

It's hard to describe just how good this maze is. You were transported into the "light", coming face to face with a huge demon and you walk through Robbie's bedroom as a hurricane blew you towards the closet.

If you are afraid of clowns then this maze will be a tough one to experience. Apart from Robbie getting tackled by one, there were plenty out there trying to grab you too. One in particular gave me a fright.

When walking through the kitchen with the rotting steak on the counter, to the left was the paranormal investigator peeling off his face in the mirror. I stared hard at him, expecting him to move but he didn't, not even an inch. When I was walking through the house a second time, I strode confidently past him, only for him to jump right in front of me. My scream probably echoed around that house for all to hear.

What made this maze particularly good was the atmosphere. I was interested in how they would pull that off and I don't think I could accurately describe just what they did. The maze was unsettling but not terrifying. It balanced famous scenes with artistically interpreted moments. You were in the Freeling's house at the hight of their haunting, but unlike Stranger Things, this was not a faithful recreation of the story.

This house had it all and although this is my first ever HHN, I don't know how the team will ever create a house that I will enjoy more.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.