iPhone 8: 10 Biggest Leaks & Rumours You Need To Know

6. Wireless Charging

iPhone 7

Nobody likes wires anymore, but Apple hasn't been quite as quick to nix them from the charging process as some of its Android rivals.

The iPhone 8 could be the device to change that as there's reason to believe the Cupertino firm has been experimenting with this particular technology.

As is often the case with Apple, they're said to be looking at ways of refining it, with Bloomberg reporting the firm is researching a system that allows iPhones and iPads to draw power from charging mats without actually touching them.

The news agency's source claims the tech giant has now cracked this nut and is ready to roll out its new and improved form of wireless charging with the iPhone 8.

Being able to draw in charge over short distances sound like the stuff of sci-fi, but given that reports elsewhere have pointed to an all-glass design, it would be folly to bet against Apple including this feature in one form or another.

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