New Year's Day 2013: 10 Biggest Idiots of 2012

4. Brad Maddox Brad Maddox is the biggest idiot in WWE at the moment. Look, we all know it€™s some grand scheme in place that€™ll eventually result in him joining the roster for good€. But for the moment he€™s an idiot. Having giving Ryback unfortunate blue balls to allow CM Punk to retain his championship, fixing the fight between Vicky and AJ and all sorts of other generally stupid things on the show. With his own online show, and increasing presence in the WWE, it looks like this IDIOT is here to stay. He therefore rightfully now claims his first official honour€.. Number 4 on my list of IDIOTS! (at least you've been noticed, I guess)

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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside