New Year's Day 2013: 10 Biggest Idiots of 2012

3. Trenton Oldfield Remember this IDIOT?? Let me take you back to the time of the year when the Toffs line the river from Hammersmith to Putney- the whiff of Pimms and Cigars complemented by the faint humm of pretentious conversation could mean only one thing. Raa Raa it€™s time for the University Boat Race. Usually what happens is two shiny blue boats race down the Thames with the ultimate prize of Elitist University bragging rights for the year (before towel whipping in the showers and the winners washing their cox in the water). But, this year, some common Australian got in the way. Bobbing in the river in line of the boats was Trenton Oldfield, a revolutionary campaigner who was looking for crabs (that€™s a rowing joke before you try the same). Total mayhem, subsequent damage to boats and the most raucous crowd of €˜well to do€™ people you ever did see, it made for far more entertaining posh torture than even the Queen standing and sitting in the rain at her pitifully boring river pageant could. Trenton was arrested and eventually jailed for 6 months for what he had done. Here€™s the thing, he€™s not on the list for that. It€™s the manifesto he released afterwards. I have honestly never read such warbling idealistic fantasy (I€™ve even read the first page of Twilight!) which, in essence, called on the nation to show their hostility to the current worldwide order€. By playing little jokes on people in power. The three that stick in mind are; 1. A call to interfere with sporting events (particularly the Olympics) in a similar way he did. 2. If you are a toilet cleaner, don€™t replace the toilet paper in the executive toilets. 3. If you are a taxi driver, purposefully take longer routes and stop for directions. Yeah thanks Trenton, great idea. Wouldn€™t the world be better if people did that? Mess, smells and misery everywhere, this already exists you should go live in Hull! Glad you€™re being looked after at Her Majesty€™s pleasure, presumably giving you time to write your very own €˜Mein Kampf€™€.. Ahhhh revolutionaries, how, err, predictable!

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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside