New Year's Day 2013: 10 Biggest Idiots of 2012

2. Angus T Jones

Angus is a peculiar one. For those who don€™t know him, he€™s the €˜half€™ in €˜Two and a half men€™. The truth is, he€™s only made the list because of how monumental his idiocy was. Unlike others on this list, I don€™t particularly blame Angus for his meltdown this year, but alas it happened. Comically Risqué at best, with fairly blunt toilet humour being the norm- Two and a Half men was always willing to go just that little bit closer to the line of decency for a cheap laugh. Big surprise then, when one of its stars came out this year with an internet video apparently showing him having found the Lord, and urging viewers to switch off this ungodly show that they€™ve been watching. The sad thing is, he seems to have meant it. With his contract reportedly ending after this season, he has precious few weeks (at $300,000 p/w) left before resting on his hypocritical laurels. BUT, can we really blame him for this? It€™s more than likely Angus is suffering child-star syndrome, having been on the show since a very young age and being in the same room as Charlie Sheen (who purportedly can transmit non specific genito-urinary diseases to you just by staring at you across the kitchen) for 10 years. After Charlie€™s meltdown last year, and the blatant touchy issues they deal with in the show, it€™s not wildly surprising. Angus, you€™re a prime idiot for losing your job in such a public way, but we wish you the best for the future and hope you€™ve saved enough for retirement. Please don€™t do a Screech and do a porno with Charlie Sheens ex wife, ok?? So this is it, the one we've been waiting for.... Who's number one? What was this about a rabbit? Click next and all will be revealed...
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Former TV Exec now enjoying a calmer existence... Big lover of all things animated and sci-fi with a few guilty pleasures alongside