The Dark Tower: Each Ka-Tet Member Ranked Worst To Best

4. Jake Chambers

The Dark Tower Ka-Tet

The fact that Jake is so low on this list is a pure example of how powerful and fantastic the characters in this story are. Jake Chambers is in many ways the audiences eye into the story. Although the narrative follows Roland and not him - even if the film would change that dynamic - he is the first resident of the Earth that we know in the world that has moved on.

Of course, the events of the first novel would not be too kind on Jake, but eventually, his position in the Tet became reinforced, and he would go on to become a surrogate son to Roland and the rest of the crew. Jake has the best development out of the Tet as he transforms from a young and weaker character to one of the most dependable members.

He starts slow but works hard to become a very skilled fighter and even has the gift of the touch to help make his place in the group stand out. However, he ranks a little lower as his characteristics are slightly less defined than the rest of the Tet. While his development is grand, his personality often feels very simple and less nuanced than the others.

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