The Dark Tower: Each Ka-Tet Member Ranked Worst To Best

2. Susannah Holmes

The Dark Tower Ka-Tet

Susannah has to be one of the most complex and compelling characters not only in the Tower series but the more expansive King universe itself. She is nuanced not only in her circumstances, but in the energetic personality that she continually gives off, and her powerful connection to the other members of the Tet.

The character is introduced in a similar vein to Eddie, as she is the personality behind a door marked The Lady of Shadows. At first, her character is shown to have a split personality, between Odetta Holmes and Detta Walker resulting from an assault from Jack Mort, and this same psychopath would even go on to push her in front of a train which claimed her legs.

Thus the character is not only shown to have a compelling source of conflict with her split personalities, but acts as an example of a disabled character in the series, and never lets this get in her way of being a badass Gunslinger.

Holmes has a unique place in the story as someone who doesn't feel problematic about challenging Roland's authority at times, and this is particularly evidenced in the final moments that the two share, when she decides that his journey is no longer the path that she chooses to walk.

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