The Dark Tower: Each Ka-Tet Member Ranked Worst To Best

1. Roland Deschain

The Dark Tower Ka-Tet
Grant Publishing

Roland is a remarkable example of a compelling character, but he is also a blueprint for creating an utterly enthralling and complicated protagonist. The Gunslinger is the leading figure of the entire series, and the journey truly revolves around him and his quest to reach the tower. Thankfully King crafted him to feel entirely worthy of this position, as he brings a driving force to the series that helps to make it so special.

Deschain is the last in a long line of Gunslingers, and the final human descendant of Arthur Eld. This sense of authority and grandiosity is carried throughout the novels, as Roland is often presented to be this entirely commanding and dominating presence. The character gives off an other-worldly aura that is both human and divine, making him feel truly unique.

But Roland is also incredibly flawed, which helps to make him unbelievably compelling. We are shown many times as he makes the immoral choice to better his quest, and often he will put others - even those he cares about - in danger to get what he needs.

For being one of the best written and utterly unique characters in literature, he easily ranks as the best member of the Ka-Tet.

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