Universal Orlando's Halloween Horror Nights: Every Scare Zone Reviewed

Twisted Tradition

Twisted Tradition Halloween Horror Universal Orlando HHN
Universal Orlando

Twisted Tradition saw "fetid" pumpkin beings come to life in this eerily beautiful scare zone in Central Park.

Last year the area celebrated the movie Trick 'r Treat, this year it was slightly more evil. I entered the area past a dilapidated school house, only to be greeted by rotting pumpkins creatures and other horrifying characters. A creepy girl, wearing a sack over her head could be heard cackling as she jumped out from hiding holes.

Despite enjoying some of the other scare zones more, I think the execution of this scare zone was the best of the event. Possibly because of the small space it was situated in. It's a compact area so doesn't take much to decorate it and make the space feel full. Everywhere I looked there were set pieces and pumpkins hung from every tree.

On my first walk through I don't think I saw many scare actors. Possibly they were changing cast. Despite that, I still liked the area but I thought it was more just a great photo stop on my way to the back of the park. Twisted Tradition mixes the pretty with the grotesque rotting pumpkins. On my return walk throughs there were a lot more scare actors and they lived up to their names.

I think the beauty of the area transfixes you and puts you off guard. I was too busy focussing on taking a non blurry photo of the floating pumpkins that I didn't notice the twisted looking creature pictured above creep up behind me. When I turned around I was confronted by this rotting, faceless pumpkin and let out an almighty scream. I wasn't the only one caught by them. I saw at least 5 others in a couple minutes get a fright from these evil beings.

On my first walkthrough I'd have said it was a scare zone that was all style and no substance, but that would be a completely unfair review of the area.

It goes to show that you really should try and do everything at HHN twice. You might just be surprised. You could hit a maze or scare zone at the wrong time and that might not be a true reflection of it at its best. Also as the event goes on scare actors get into their groove and are more comfortable at getting that good scare.


Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.