What If You Only EVER Ate Fruit?

3. The Biggest Exponents (And Some Risks)

Fit Shortie Eats YouTube

YouTubers ‘Fit Shortie Eats’ swear by the fruitarian diet and have been living on an exclusive fruit-based nutrition plan for the past four years. Tina Stoklosa and Simon Beun have gathered a large following on YouTube and Instagram, and regularly answer questions about their choice to eat nothing but fruit.

In a recent Q and A, the couple stated that their diet has given them increased energy levels, restful sleep, and a ‘magic cure for all eating disorders.’ In their videos, they regularly share their stashes of fruit and discuss how much they eat in a day. Due to the lower caloric content, it appears they have to eat a very high amount of fruit to stay full. While this may be costly, Stoklosa and Beun argue that it is cheaper than paying for meals out, as well as expensive cooking materials.

Despite ‘Fit Shortie Eats’ recommendation for others to follow their chosen diet plan, there are a lot of risks in following such a restrictive regimen. While fruits contain plenty of carbohydrates for energy, many fruits lack a sustainable amount of protein necessary for a healthy diet.

Without enough daily protein, the human body will begin to lack essential amino acids necessary for repairing muscle and tissue. Protein deficiency can result in muscle cramps, soreness, and even oedema (fluid build-up causing a bloated belly).

NEXT: The History Of Fruitarianism (Page 3 of 4)

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I am a freelance writer with an interest in wrestling, culture, music, podcasts and literature. Currently working in projects involving creative regeneration.