DC Villains Quotes Quiz: Who Said It - Joker Or Lex Luthor?
DC brings a deathmatch for the ages, a chaotic evil clashes with a lawful evil.

When one thinks of classic DC villains, the mind automatically drifts toward either The Joker or Lex Luthor, especially for the fact that both supervillains are the greatest nemesis of Batman and Superman without possessing any superhuman abilities.
The Joker is a criminal mastermind with a sadistic sense of humour and a straight-up freaking insane personality. He only kills for fun and as told in the miniseries Underworld Unleashed "When villains want to scare each other they tell joker stories.", proves to be one perfect Batman nemesis fans hate to love and love to hate.
Similarly, Lex Luthor is one ingenious wealthy villain, fans love and hate. Superman's worst nightmare, Luthor wears a battle suit giving him enhanced strength, flight, advanced weaponry and other capabilities. He also has an eidetic memory, expertise in all forms of science and is the most intelligent beings in the DC Universe (second only to Brainiac), creating one billionaire supervillain everyone fears.
The two of DC's greatest villains might appear to be from the same villain pool but can't be any more different. Lex depends on his plans, technology and money whereas Joker is the destroyer of plans, technology and money. Luthor loves order and structure in contrast to Joker's selfishness and love of sheer chaos. And every fan wonders who would win if these two super-villains eve clashed.
So here's one quiz to kick off this battle. Let's find out if you can tell the Clown Prince of Crime and the scheming Lex Luthor apart from there quotes alone before the real battle starts.
A 1000 fake internet points for being the most awesome nerd if you get to 100%.
And as always Answers are at the end.