WWE Undertaker Quiz: How Well Do You Remember The Western Mortician Years?
Can you overcome The Quiz From The Dark Side?

On November 22, 1990, The Undertaker made his official debut on WWE television when he showed up as the mystery member of Ted DiBiase's team. Clad from head to toe in black, sporting a hat and coat along with grey gloves and boots, the near seven-footer was undoubtedly a sight to behold, captivating the audience in attendance as he slowly made his way down to the ring.
A night that changed the WWE landscape forever, this was only the beginning for 'The Phenom', who went on to unleash a path of destruction the likes of which had never been seen before. He would continue to make his presence felt on WWE programming, uninterrupted, for four years before he eventually took some time off and prepared for an even more demonic rebirth.
Looking back now, it's quite clear The Undertaker's three decades of dominance would not have been possible without the success of his Western Mortician days. His stoic persona set him apart from every other superstar on the roster while his athleticism was incredibly impressive for a man of his size.
But how well do you remember 'The Demon Of Death Valley's first chapter? Test your knowledge and find out...