10 Best Managers At 2014 World Cup

3. Joachim Low - Germany

Low did not have a ton of success in his domestic career, but nobody can quibble with what he has done with Germany. The only really qualm anybody could have is that they haven€™t won a title yet. Instead, all he€™s done is constantly have them in contention since taking over for Jurgen Klinsmann in 2006. Under Low, Germany has finished in third place in the last two World Cups. They were the runners up at Euro 2008 and a semifinalist at Euro 2012. That€™s four tournaments where they were in the final four, and that is the bare minimum that is expected from Low and Germany this year. Yes, he has a ton of talent at hand, but Low knows how to use it, and he knows how to manages his players to maximize their skills. Eventually, you would think Germany is going to break through.

Chris Morgan hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.