10 Biggest Unsung Heroes In Rangers History

9. Marvin Andrews

Definitely one of the most unique players on this list, big Marvin Andrews was not what football fans would consider a skillful player. The man's main strengths were his brute size and will to do his best for the jersey, and they helped make him an extremely popular figure at Rangers. Joining from Livingston in 2004, Andrews quickly captured the imagination of the Ibrox supporters. One thing which helped make him stand out were his beliefs. A spiritual man, Andrews believed wholeheartedly in faith healing. Whatever the reason, Rangers fans liked his positivity, and he was a necessary part of a title-winning squad in season 2004-2005. The most incredible part of his career in blue however, coming back from a serious knee injury long before projections. Doctors had expected Marvin Andrews to be out for as long as 9 months with a knee injury, but the titan of a man returned in just a few weeks. That's insane, and validated his belief in faith healing like never before! Since leaving Rangers in 2006, Andrews had been around a number of clubs, but he hasn't touched hearts like he did at Ibrox.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.