10 Craziest Boxing Press Conferences

2. Mike Tyson Vs. Lennox Lewis

This list wouldn't be complete without the inclusion of the most polarizing man in the history of boxing: Mike Tyson. In 2002, 'Iron Mike' was scheduled to take on Heavyweight champ Lennox Lewis - a fight years in the making - at a time when he was entering the twilight of his boxing career, causing many to question if Tyson deserved a shot at the title at all.

At a New York press conference to promote the fight, the two fighters were presented on stage in front of members of the press. As Lewis stepped into the spotlight, Tyson marched in his direction with his entourage in tow. A brief awkward pause took place before Tyson threw his famous left hook - and missed - in the direction of one of Lewis's handlers, leading to both parties brawling on the stage, while some Western-style theme park ride music hilariously played in the background.

Once things had calmed down, Tyson unleashed a foul mouthed tirade at a reporter who shouted a suggestion that someone should give Mike a straitjacket. Tyson ended by stating that he was going to “F**k the reporter until he loved him.” How romantic!

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Mike Tyson
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Jason is a thirty-something manchild, who is on a quest to prove the truth he knows in his heart - that Arnold Schwarzenegger is his real dad!