10 Craziest UFC Knockouts

7. Rashad Evans vs. Chuck Liddell - UFC 88


This fight was sort of like the passing of the torch in the light heavyweight division. For years, Chuck Liddell ran the 205lb weight class with an iron fist, knocking out opponents left, right and centre in brutal fashion and cementing himself as one of the most devastating punchers the sport has ever seen.

Coming off a back-and-forth brawl for the ages against form Pride middleweight champion Wanderlei Silva, Liddell looked like he was about to have a career renaissance after losing his belt to 'Rampage' Jackson at UFC 71. However, he had to get past The Ultimate Fighter season two winner Rashad Evans which proved to be more difficult than 'The Iceman' probably thought.

Liddell certainly showed that he still had the skills to compete with the best, beating Evans in the first round of their fight. However, when 'Suga' got Liddell in range, he swung an overhand right that turned off The Iceman's lights completely.

Fans had seen Liddell get knocked out brutally before, but there was something about how Evans cocked his hand back before smashing it nearly through his face that made it such an incredibly violent and memorable knockout.


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