10 Darkest Spurs Moments Of The Premier League Era

6. Gareth Bale Leaves

Spurs have seen a number of big players force their way out of White Hart Lane in recent years - Michael Carrick, Dimitar Berbatov and Luka Modric to name but a few - but none left under a shadow quite as black as Gareth Bale. It was a saga that dragged out over an entire summer in 2013, with Bale ultimately refusing to train with Spurs in his attempt to engineer his "dream move". Bale was already a superstar at Spurs and it's never good for a team to lose such an important player. He had undoubtedly earned Spurs points on his own in certain games in the previous seasons and he has still yet to be properly replaced, despite Spurs spending well over £100 million on more than ten new players since he departed. That said, the fact he brought in a world record transfer fee of £86 million was the one positive thing to come from the move for Spurs.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.