10 Darkest Spurs Moments Of The Premier League Era

3. The Points Deduction & Fine

In the 1994-95 season, Spurs began the campaign coming to terms with what was initially the heaviest punishment ever handed out to an English club. The punishment came as a consequence of "financial irregularities" that had been committed during the reign of the club's previous owners in the 1980s. Spurs were fined £600,000 and were deducted 12 league points as well as being banned from the 1994-95 FA Cup. Chairman Alan Sugar fought hard and took the matter to court and his appeals were met with mixed success. The club's fine would be increased to £1.5 million, but the points deduction and FA Cup ban were eventually revoked. Spurs finished the season in seventh place and on 62 points. Had the points deduction remained in place, Spurs would have survived the drop, but their league position would have dropped to fourteenth. It sullied the club's reputation and was not the fault of anyone who was at the club at the time.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.