10 Newcastle United Salaries You Won't Believe

1. Xisco - £50k A Week

Kevin Keegan was never too wrong about players: he perhaps put too much faith in Paul Kitson, but generally his assessments were pretty spot on, which is why everyone should have paid attention when he said Xisco wasn't good enough. Instead, Newcastle's clueless board handed him a six-year contract worth £50,000 a week - with no relegation clause to drop his wages - and duly got relegated, finding it inevitably hard to get shot of the Spaniard who proved himself completely unsuited to English football. Over those five years, as well as going out on loan, Xisco managed to make just five starts for Newcastle, and looked like a fish on a bicycle for most of them. How anyone ever thought he was wroth £50k a week is utterly baffling.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.