10 Reasons Why It's All Going Wrong For Louis Van Gaal At Man Utd

3. Rivals No Longer Fear The Devil

Manchester United have lost their fear factor. We saw it last season under David Moyes - Newcastle came to Old Trafford and achieved their first win at the ground since February 1972. Everton likewise achieved their first victory at the Theatre of Dreams since 1992 while on the opening day of this season, Swansea picked up their first ever three points on the road against United. Old Trafford used to be a feared place to tread. In their title-winning campaign of 2012-13, United lost only three home games and four in total as the strolled to league glory by a margin of 11 points. Yet the following season they lost 12 games, more than any other top six side that term, and that miserable run took in SEVEN defeats in their own backyard. Somewhere along the way rival teams have learned not to fear United at Old Trafford with trips to the iconic stadium treated the same way as any other game in the fixtures list. There was once a time when United had won a game before kick-off but these days nothing is certain - not even on paper - and that point has been further underlined following negative results against supposed 'whipping boys' Swansea and Sunderland.

Joseph is an accredited football journalist and has interviewed nearly all of the current 20 Barclay's Premier League managers. He is also a correspondent for Bleacher Report and has written for Caught Offside and Give Me Football.