10 Reasons Spurs Fans Should Remain Positive

5. They've Shown They Do Have Some Fight In Them

Spurs are a club renowned for flair players and attacking players who lack a backbone and any kind of fight. They have a reputation as being easy to rough-up on a cold winter's night and struggle against physical teams or any kind of adversity. However, this season, they've shown a couple of signs that suggest they might have a little bit of fight in them after all. Granted, the two instances in question were against ten men, but against both Aston Villa and Hully City away from home, Spurs found themselves a goal down and had to grind out 2-1 wins against teams who put their backs to the wall. It's never as easy as it sounds to play with one extra man due to the inevitable tactics of the ten-man team, but Spurs score very late winners in both matches, proving that they're willing to fight to the very end to grind out a result - at least when it suits them.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.