10 Reasons Spurs Fans Should Remain Positive

4. They're Doing As Well As Arsenal

One of the absolute worst things about Spurs underperforming - which they tend to do on quite a regular basis - is the constant failure to finish above their most bitter North London rivals Arsenal. Even when Spurs have performed well in recent years, Arsenal always seem to one-up them - even if it is sometimes at the very last minute - and it's a real source of annoyance for the club's dedicated supporters. This season, however, in spite of the fact they are playing pretty badly and sitting in a lowly tenth position in the league, they are sharing their misery with Arsenal, who are only above the club on goal difference, having earned exactly the same number of points as Spurs (seventeen) after twelve games. If you have nothing to cheer about, you may as well revel in the misery of your rivals!

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.