10 Reasons UFC Should Bring Back Paul Daley

6. Everybody Makes Mistakes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8uqMi65PtQ We all know people who have made mistakes in their lives. I know I have and I'm sure you have one or two regrets too. Paul Daley has obviously made a couple of mistakes over the past few years. Does that mean he shouldn't get a second chance? Of course not. Dana White has made some mistakes during his time, although I'm sure he won't necessarily admit that. As a human being we all do it. The only trouble is that Dana is running a business. If that business loses stock in the media or in the public eye because of one of it's employees, then they have to cut ties with that fighter. The first of its kind was Paul Daley. Nobody had ever seen anybody punch someone after the bell, or at least it was the first of my recollection in the UFC. So in some ways an example should be made. I get it. But when you have such a complete turnaround from the fighter, to have him begging to come back to the UFC, you have to think about reconsidering.
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Dana White
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Dan Lloyd hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.